BiZaTcH: ..what names have you used throughout your War2 history, and which are you known best as?
Tdawg: I used various versions of Tdawg
Tdawg: Such as TD.
Tdawg: BiggieT, etc etc
Tdawg: And Rantdaddy5
BiZaTcH: Do you still play War2?
Tdawg: Sometimes I’ll get on if the old faces are there
BiZaTcH: alright..when did you start your “Career”
Tdawg: ABout 5 years ago
BiZaTcH: What are your map/speed/resource preferences?
Tdawg: I picked up War2 and played some, then Diablo came out so I got into that and came back later
Tdawg: As much as I enjoy kicking around people on gow/high/ef
Tdawg: I have to say that b2b/high/ef is my favorite
BiZaTcH: What a gay PUD..what clans have you belonged to, if any?
Tdawg: I was a member of Dark Alliance
Tdawg: And Sudden Impact
BiZaTcH: You were in SI? Did you ever play on Zone or just Kali?
Tdawg: I played on Zone
BiZaTcH: alright
Tdawg: Me Stalin and Myst pretty much took over their 2 on 2 ladder in 2 days
BiZaTcH: hehe..I remember that
BiZaTcH: Who have been your favorite allies since the start of the game?
Tdawg: Myst
Tdawg: Stalin
Tdawg: But Myst definitely comes first
Tdawg: JJ
Tdawg: Watje
BiZaTcH: Who have been your favorite people to hate?
Tdawg: Konmon
Tdawg: Meat
Tdawg: Ash
BiZaTcH: ..was waiting for the Meat Razz
BiZaTcH: What do you consider your biggest/best accomplishments?
Tdawg: Probably when I smurfed as Rantdaddy and beat down everyone
Tdawg: Everyone thought I was a hacker
Tdawg: And second,
Tdawg: Never hacking.
BiZaTcH: haha alright
BiZaTcH: Real Name & Date of Birth ..
Tdawg: Ian Toy
Tdawg: Born June 29th, 1984
BiZaTcH: Oh yeah..where have you played?
BiZaTcH: ie Zone, Kali
Tdawg: Kali, Zone, Bnet
Tdawg: I tried playing heat one time, but when I realized I could take 3 on 1’s there when I sucked, it just wasn’t for me.
Tdawg: Good for self esteem though
BiZaTcH: haha
BiZaTcH: What are some real life hobbies of yours/
Tdawg: I teach Martial Arts
Tdawg: And I’m in a band as lead singer
BiZaTcH: alright…
BiZaTcH: What is your “occupation”?
Tdawg: Unemployed and loving it.
Tdawg: Student.
BiZaTcH: hehe
BiZaTcH: What kind of music are you into?
Tdawg: All
Tdawg: Except Country.
BiZaTcH: Can you give us an original quote from you, or a quote you thought was really good?
Tdawg: hmm
Tdawg: Let me think
Tdawg: Eat shit and live.
Tdawg: A fate much worse than death.
BiZaTcH: Haha
BiZaTcH: Hottest Chick.
Tdawg: uhhh
Tdawg: Jenna Jameson
BiZaTcH: If you could change 1 thing about War2 (Chat, people, race balance), what would it be?
Tdawg: I would make healing automatic for humans
BiZaTcH: alright.
BiZaTcH: What have been your most memorable times/game(s)?
Tdawg: The time where a sheep won me a game against stratus
Tdawg: He ogre sapped
Tdawg: first sap camein
Tdawg: but a sheep moved in the way
Tdawg: so it stopped
Tdawg: second came in
Tdawg: sheep moved
Tdawg: and it blew up the other sap
BiZaTcH: aha
BiZaTcH: Have you any life goals?
Tdawg: Nah
Tdawg: Nothing aside from stayin alive
BiZaTcH: alright..Who do you think was the best of all time, and why?
Tdawg: Stalin
Tdawg: Dual was unbeatable
Tdawg: And he could do it from everywhere
Tdawg: never forgot a single peon
BiZaTcH: heh
BiZaTcH: alright…you call yourself the best rusher in the game…what makes you think that?
BiZaTcH: yo?
Tdawg: The best rusher in the game..
Tdawg: yeah
Tdawg: Not because I’m the fastest or the biggest
Tdawg: but my timing with levels is perfect
Tdawg: and I have about 30 builds for different kinds of rushes still in my head
Tdawg: for all resource levels
BiZaTcH: Wow..
BiZaTcH: Anything you regret?
Tdawg: Giving a shit about the game.
Tdawg: I used to give a shit, and now I don’t
Tdawg: it’s a lot better now
BiZaTcH: Haha
BiZaTcH: Do you have any “confessions”? ie Wulf might say he hacked, some smurf account, etc? It would be interesting to know all the stuff we wondered over the years..
Tdawg: uhhh
Tdawg: No not really, I was pretty open in everything
Tdawg: Oh
Tdawg: I’m not goth in the slightest sense of the word.
Tdawg: I convinced a few people I was
Tdawg: gullible bastards
BiZaTcH: haha alright
BiZaTcH: Last question…briefly describe your War2 “career”
BiZaTcH: Or last command even.
Tdawg: I started off sucking
Tdawg: I wasn’t good at any part of it
Tdawg: I played a lot
Tdawg: rushed a lot
Tdawg: got better
Tdawg: learned the rest of the game later on
Tdawg: quit about 100 times for better shit
Tdawg: And now I only play rarely
Tdawg: And I’m still the best God damn rusher in the game
Tdawg: Oh yeah, I have one more confession
Tdawg: Champion and Me
Tdawg: We’re the same people.
BiZaTcH: Duh.. ?
BiZaTcH: Alright, thanks a lot
BiZaTcH: Anything else you want to add?
Tdawg: To all future war2 players who want to be good
Tdawg: Quit now before it’s too late.
Editor’s Note: Tdawg can be found on AIM under the name “Agentwd40”.

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