DreamerMike: sup exy-g
~BH~Extacy: sup mike :-)
DreamerMike: ready?
~BH~Extacy: ya
DreamerMike: how long u been playing?
~BH~Extacy: oh jeeze, probably about 2 years
~BH~Extacy: too long
DreamerMike: did u start on b.net or another server (kali/heat/zone)?
~BH~Extacy: ya, bnet
DreamerMike: did you have a mentor or trainer at all? or have to learn the hard way?
~BH~Extacy: well it depends on the map
DreamerMike: ?
~BH~Extacy: i learned from a lot of different people, bgh from ~BH~Eclipze, c6 from {ban}fenix, ez5 from ~BH~sandman
DreamerMike: ah
DreamerMike: was ~BH~ the first clan you joined?
~BH~Extacy: no
~BH~Extacy: i was in my friends clan at first ~sm
DreamerMike: any others?
~BH~Extacy: shadowmoon it was called, just a little newb clan
DreamerMike: hehe
~BH~Extacy: {ban} was after that
~BH~Extacy: then to ~BH~ until now
DreamerMike: k
DreamerMike: who were the “greats” when you started out? who did you really respect as a newb?
~BH~Extacy: well the first person i respected was ~BH~Warthog because he was the very first person on bnet to hand me my ass on bgh, other than that, I respected all ~BH~ and (UT) because they, at the time, to me were the elite
DreamerMike: cool
DreamerMike: ok here come the standard questions designed to create controversy and ill-will ;-)
~BH~Extacy: lol ok
~BH~Extacy: i love controversy :-)
DreamerMike: hehe
DreamerMike: all the questions i ask from here out only pertain to custom maps, players, and community
~BH~Extacy: okay
DreamerMike: how would you rank yourself amongst all players?
~BH~Extacy: right now?
DreamerMike: yes
~BH~Extacy: hah, well im slowly on the decline, so i would say maybe in the top 20 all around players
DreamerMike: gotcha
~BH~Extacy: but if u want controversy
~BH~Extacy: im number 1 damnit!!!!
~BH~Extacy: ;-)
DreamerMike: name the 3 most overrated players, in your opinion
DreamerMike: lol
DreamerMike: i’ll take care of that, dont worry
~BH~Extacy: overrated would be Terror, shyt, and probably warbabe (as a player)
DreamerMike: and the 3 most underrated?
~BH~Extacy: ~BH~FlaMe, NuGGeT, and DreamerRay
DreamerMike: name the best current player at the following maps: BGH, C6, EZ5, AA, 62, GW, SA
DreamerMike: if you haven’t played some of those maps, you can pass
~BH~Extacy: BGH – ~BH~FlaMe
~BH~Extacy: C6-Phil
~BH~Extacy: ez5 – terror
~BH~Extacy: 62 – DreamerMike
~BH~Extacy: GW – zvic
~BH~Extacy: dunno about aa or sa
DreamerMike: k
DreamerMike: and the best current overall player? also the best ever overall player?
~BH~Extacy: best current player dreamerphil
~BH~Extacy: overall ever would be electricalfault
DreamerMike: assuming all the great players from the following clans instantly came back, as good as they were at their peak, rank them from best to worst: dreamer, mr`, ~bh~, (ut), {ban}, [God], (1o3)
~BH~Extacy: Dreamer, ~BH~, (UT), {ban}, [God], Mr`, (1o3)
DreamerMike: if you were forced to permanently prevent 5 ppl from ever logging on to bnet again, who would they be?
~BH~Extacy: horror, terror, {ban}`gangsta, Camp-J0y, Infected
DreamerMike: alright i’m going to say some random names, give me a one or two word description
DreamerMike: also rank their skill on 1-10 :-)
DreamerMike: mr`5
~BH~Extacy: ladder abuser!
DreamerMike: and skill?
~BH~Extacy: average
DreamerMike: 1-10 dude
DreamerMike: :-)
~BH~Extacy: 6
DreamerMike: ~warbabe~
~BH~Extacy: sexy mama
DreamerMike: lol
~BH~Extacy: 8 in skill
DreamerMike: (ut)kam
~BH~Extacy: cool guy
~BH~Extacy: skill 7
DreamerMike: ~bh~pickillo
~BH~Extacy: good friend
~BH~Extacy: skill 6
DreamerMike: nova
~BH~Extacy: cocksucker
~BH~Extacy: skill – 2
DreamerMike: {ban}`gangsta
~BH~Extacy: thinks hes black
~BH~Extacy: skill – 8
DreamerMike: dreamerseymour
~BH~Extacy: oil slick
~BH~Extacy: skill – 8
DreamerMike: ~bh~extacy
~BH~Extacy: overrated
~BH~Extacy: skill – 6
DreamerMike: dreamermike
~BH~Extacy: my lover
~BH~Extacy: skill – 9
DreamerMike: alright one last question
DreamerMike: have you ever hacked? if so, were there extenuating circumstances?
~BH~Extacy: i did use the minimap view hack at one time yes, never the upgrade one, no circumstances, i was just wasnt thinking!
~BH~Extacy: no excuses for why i did
DreamerMike: how many times?
DreamerMike: or for how long?
~BH~Extacy: not too long
~BH~Extacy: bout 1 year 4 months
~BH~Extacy: jk
~BH~Extacy: lol
DreamerMike: lol
DreamerMike: for real?
~BH~Extacy: about 10-20 games
~BH~Extacy: then
DreamerMike: oh
DreamerMike: lmao
~BH~Extacy: i figured, i better stop
~BH~Extacy: before i get used to it being around
DreamerMike: yeah
DreamerMike: alright eric, thx again
~BH~Extacy: anytime, we still havin our “FUN” tonight??
DreamerMike: um u mean sex or war2??????
~BH~Extacy: both
~BH~Extacy: at the same time
DreamerMike: wo0t!
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