Warcraft 2 Bio
Main WC2 Username | MaStA{hR} |
Other Usernames | MaStArChA-fu-, OD-blackarcher3, masterarcher3 |
Began Playing | 1997, the back-end of the Kali/Heat days and the beginning of BNE |
Quit Playing | Off and on 1 million times |
Map / Speed / Resource Preference | Archer Friends, Kotr, GoW EF/Fastest/High-Map Default |
Favorite Unit | Peons - They're the most useful unit with proper UC |
Clans You've Belonged To | -fu-, OD-, AA-, USA-, [hR], ]eS[ |
Accomplishments | I am considered one of the best Archers and paintball players of all time. Since .puds are the primary maps now I have begun learning them and aspire to be a tier 3 or higher player in the upcoming years. |
Favorite Allies | All-time: PiRaTe-fu- Honorable mentions: Destroyed aka JaTeR, 2pacolpz15-fu-, darkn1gga-fu-, BlaZeN-fu-, shanona413 |
Favorite Enemies | xxxSmeagolxxx because I love to beat hackers and emotional wrecks. Claw is a close second because he macros and it's quite the accomplishment to beat him on Archers. |
Contact Info | AIM: Rebel2society303 Skype: Rebel2society101 Email: crosscountry303@yahoo.com |
Real Life Bio
Real Name | Cameron Addison |
Birthday | December 18, 1989 |
Location | I bounce between Florida and the Dominican Republic |
Occupation | I am an entrepreneur that started my own service-learning organization. I run high school, college and adult groups throughout the year and help them become globally engaged citizens. |
Musical preferences | 90s Hip Hop, Upbeat hyphy rap, Raggaeton, Bachata |
Hobbies | Running, Starting businesses, Making money, Warcraft 2, Meeting women |
Quote | "The harder the world, the fiercer the honor." "Some people are so poor all they have is money". |
Long Form Answers
Best skill?
If the strategy is simplified and the task is OCD, I'm typically one of the fastest and best.
Worst “skill”?
Being defensive. I always like to be the aggressor, and as soon as I'm attacked, it's pretty much over and I lose.
If you could change one thing about War2 what would it be?
Personally I would like for people to realize this is just a game and to leave their egos back home.
I would also like to change the hosting issues so that the game is more attractive to new and old players.
Favorite strategy?
My favorite strategy is to rush. The later the game gets the worse I get.
Anything you regret?
I'd rather regret the things I have done than the things I haven't. My Warcraft 2 regret is not learning classic maps earlier. My "real life" regret would be that I didn't run 5ks professionally.
I personally think I am a top 5 all time well-rounded customs player.
I have had sex with over 100 people before I hit the age of 25.
Warcraft 2 is my personal favorite game of all time and I am stubbornly stupid in regards to I don't know why there aren't thousands playing this game [still].
Most memorable games/times?
Most memorable Warcraft 2 gaming times were the early 2000s when there were games galore and the variety of clans, clan hopping, stealth bots, channel flooding etc were at its' height.
What makes you memorable?
I typically bash anyone that has a bad Type A personality and simply "doesn't get it". I am a go-getter and it makes me mad that people with zero aspirations that are intentional welfare recipients that play Warcraft 2 for 12 hours a day can still find the time to criticize others.
I stand up for social justice.
People typically don't like to play me in customs because it's usually a written off L.
I am notoriously bad at .puds. :(
Who was the best of all time?
1. Swift
2. Viruz
(This is like an MJ vs Lebron argument).
Everyone else "doesn't matter" in the sense that they were only primes or the bests for short periods of time that are no longer applicable. People can argue GanZ or Shotgun or Ash or anyone like that, but if they were the best, it was so long ago or for such a short period of time and then they quit, that it does not matter. There are plenty of honorable mentions that could argue the case of "best of all time" but I don't want to go there because they decided not to stick around.
(Here you've got all the Magic Johnsons, Larry Birds, Wilt Chamberlains, Kobe Bryants, Dwyane Wades, Shaqs and what not).
If a player quit in 2000 but claims "they are the best of all time" then they are sorely mistaken, because legends and addicts were born after their time.
Describe your “career” from start to finish.
I started on Kali at the age of 6. I rose in the top 70 on ladder.
I played on Kali, Heat and Zone. I think I got my first prepubescent boner when BNE finally came out. Once it did, my parents got a divorce and my dad didn't believe in video games. So I probably only played about 30-60 days a year from 1997 to 2015.
My akas are recognizable to most legends/players in the customs community. My name is 'known' among many .pud players but they are probably less aware of my strengths and weaknesses.
I'm here to stay and I will be potentially launching a financial campaign to help overhaul .Ru and help get War2 back to its' glory days. Anyone pessimistic about that never played on Kahn/Engage/Kali or anything so they can go divulge and sulk in disparity on their own time.
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