Warcraft 2 Bio
Main WC2 Username | Floy[D] |
Other Usernames | CoWBoYJiM, KGBAgent20, ADD-Quickness-, AxE[Rg], Texas, HeavyGlow20 |
Began Playing | 1999 |
Quit Playing | not yet |
Map / Speed / Resource Preference | gseps ef/high, 4c, ef, low |
Clans You've Belonged To | [rG] 20, KGB, .is.hip, SOD, [D], X-, [Fw], [DSC] |
Accomplishments | hmmm.. |
Favorite Allies | GreenHorn, KGBAgent58, Tyrus |
Favorite Enemies | everyone! |
Contact Info | AIM: RebelJimbo0788 |
Real Life Bio
Real Name | Jimmie Burden |
Birthday | August 23, 1988 |
Info About Yourself | I dont play much anymore. I work full time, and go to school, and will soon be joining the army reserve to pursue a career in fire fighting. |
Location | Red Oak, Texas. |
Occupation | Dept. Manager - Walmart |
Life & Career Goals | Get married, have kids, enjoy life. |
Musical preferences | Classic Rock, Texas Country, Country, Alternative |
Quote | "May god have mercy on my enemies souls, because i wont" |
Long Form Answers
Best skill?
Used to be rushing.
Worst “skill”?
If you could change one thing about War2 what would it be?
have a better ranking system.
Favorite strategy?
1 Barracks
Anything you regret?
Taking a free win on an IGL
See above
Most memorable games/times?
Beating a few well named players 1v1 on 4c, and friends.
What makes you memorable?
I'm the War2 redneck..?
Who was the best of all time?
id have to say... hell i dont know
Describe your “career” from start to finish.
Started playing with my cousin, with modem games, then logged onto b.net and the rest is history
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