If you’re new to War2.ru you’ve probably wondered about some of the common phrases and abbreviations that people use. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of the most used phrases, acronyms, and lingo that you’ll see while playing on the server!
This article covers the following:
General Internet & Gaming Slang
- gg – Good game
- glhf – Good luck, have fun (“gl” and “hf” can also be used alone)
- lol – Laugh out loud, commonly used to denote mirth
- rofl, lmao – rolling on the floor laughing, laughing my ass off
- omg – Oh my god
- ffs – term used to indicate one’s frustration (“For F**k’s Sake”)
- gj, gw – Good job, good work, used to indicate approval
- idk – I don’t know
- idc – I don’t care
- oic – Oh, I see
- brb – Be right back
- afk – Away from keyboard
- bbl – Be back later
- wb – Welcome back
- newb, noob – A new player who has yet to learn the basics of gameplay and gaming etiquette.
- ss – Screenshot
- pm – Private message (can be sent with the /w or /m command)
- aka – Also known as, one’s alternate username(s)
- op – Over-powered
- dt, double – Jointly attacking a single opponent with one’s ally, considered to be an unfair or “lowly” tactic by some, or in some situations.
- bs – Backstab, when a player unallies and attacks players to whom he was originally allied.
- rts – Real time strategy, the genre of strategy game that WC2 falls into
Warcraft II Lingo
- war2, wc2, w2 – Shorthand for “Warcraft II”, our favoritest game ever!
- bnet – Battle.net, the original online multiplayer gaming server hosting by Blizzard Entertainment.
- war2.ru, .ru – This server (server.war2.ru)
- east, west – Servers on Battle.net
- btc, rtc – Back to chat, return to chat
- lat – Short for “Latency”, a common problem that prevents people from joining games you host.
- stats – Short for “Statistics”, or a player’s record of wins, losses, & draws
- ladder – A ranking system in which players compete on specific maps (classic & BNE) for the #1 position. Our custom ladder is available at ladder.war2.ru
- smurf – A player who uses a throwaway user name to disguise their identity.
- puds – Warcraft II maps, so called because of the .pud extension
- comps – Computers, the built-in AI opponent that can be selected in melee games.
- Classics – Official maps designed by the creators of WC2 and bundled with the original game
- Customs – Fan maps designed by players of WC2, which typically deemphasize the strategic elements of gameplay in favor of novelty and mindlessness.
- BNE – Battle.net Edition maps, updated versions of original classic maps that have been revised for improved balance and overall gaming experience. Such maps are indicated by the “BNE” added to the end of their name, e.g. “Garden of War BNE” vs. “Garden of War” (classic)
- old – Used to indicate original versions of classic maps, rather than BNE versions (e.g. gow old = Garden of War, not Garden of War BNE)
- f – Fastest, a map speed setting (commonly used when playing custom & BNE maps)
- ef – Even faster, a map speed setting (commonly used when playing classic maps)
- res – Short for “Resources” (gold and lumber). Often used to refer to the starting resources setting that can be selected when hosting a game, e.g. high res, low res.
- ac – Allied chat. Used to send messages to only your teammates when you’re playing a match. (Can be toggled by clicking the “Allies” button in the top right, or more easily by typing Ctrl+Enter when sending messages.)
- av – Allied victory. A checkbox that must be selected in order for the match to end, toggled by clicking the “Allies” button in the top right. Defaults to unchecked on the “melee” game type setting.
- tvb – Top vs bottom, a game type that can be selected when hosting a match.
- ffa – Free for all, a match where there are no teams, every man for himself. There is also a “Free for all” game type that prevents players from allying one another.
- 1v1, 2v2, etc. – One versus one, two versus two, refers to the number of players per team in a match. The largest possible match size in Warcraft II is 4v4 (8 players). Can also be used to indicate uneven teams (e.g. 1v2 or 3v4).
- 1s, 2s, etc. – Shorthand for the above (number of players per team).
- stacking – putting all the strongest players on one team, giving that team an unfair advantage even if the number of players per team is equal
- stacker – a game host who stacks
- pard – Short for “partner”, your teammate in a 2v2 match.
- uc – Unit control, good uc means effectively micromanaging individual units
- pm – Power mine/power mining, a technique for placing one’s townhall in relation to a goldmine that yields the optimum rate of gold harvesting.
- rep – Short for “Repair”, a peon ability which restores health to damaged buildings or decreases the contruction time of new buildings.
- vis – Short for “Vision”, meaning to share allied vision with another player.
- unvis – Short for “Unvision”, meaning to remove allied vision from another player.
- rush – Assembling combat units and engaging your opponent as early on in a game as possible, in an attempt to catch him off guard and overwhelm his defenses.
- dual – Starting a game by building two separate bases concurrently, effectively doubling your resource harvesting capabilities. Requires extremely defensive playing, as combat units can’t be afforded until the bases are well established.
- wall, walling – Utilizing terrain features and strategic placement of buildings to block access to one’s base from land units.
- flower tower – a tower surrounded by your own buildings (or sometimes tree line), generally erected early to mid-game in wall-less bases
- ot – Offensive towering, building lots of guard or cannon towers around an opponent’s base in order to cripple them. Commonly referred to as “gaying”.
- rape – The brutal slaughtering of an opponent’s peons in order to undermine his resource harvesting efforts, thus crippling his industry.
- choke – choke point. A narrow opening between rocks/trees/buildings that can be guarded by more melee units (grunts & ogres) than can be used to attack it, thus giving a defensive advantage.
- exp, expa, expo – Expansion, a secondary base built in addition to a player’s main base.
- cat – Catapult, a ranged Orc unit. (Also used interchangeably to reference Ballistas, the corresponding Human unit.)
- ct – Cannon tower.
- rax – Barracks, building used to train combat units.
- bs, smith – Blacksmith, building used to upgrade melee units.
- mill – Lumbermill, building required before archers can be trained (and also used to upgrade them).
- hold – Stronghold, the first town hall upgrade (used interchangeably to refer to Keep, the equivalent Human building)
- fort – Fortress, the second town hall upgrade (used interchangeably to refer to Castle, the equivalent Human building)
- dks – Death knights, a magic-wielding Orc unit.
- dnd, d&d – Death and decay, a Death knight spell.
- bliz – Blizzard, a Mage spell.
- poly – Polymorph, a Mage spell that turns enemy units into sheep.
- lust – Bloodlust, an OP ability of ogre mages.
- s9 – 30k
Map Name Abbreviations
- gow – Garden of War
- pos – Plains of Snow
- nwtr – Nowhere to Run or Hide
- b2b – Bridge to Bridge Combat
- gsep, gsew – Gold Separates East from West
- foc – Fierce Ocean Combat
- hsc – High Seas Combat
- bgh – Big Game Hunters
- n/a – “no air”, a variant of BGH that restricts air units
- kotr – A variant of BGH that restricts air, magic, lust & towers
- 2hf – A variant of BGH where anything goes!
- c6 – Castles6
- gw – Gruntwork
- pball – Paintball
- af, archers – Archers friends
Kek – Orc’s version of “LOL”